Sunday, 31 July 2011

Arròs negre or paella negra

We have been dreaming of smoky black paella since Barcelona in 2007. The squid ink has been in the cupboard for about a year but we hadn't quite plucked up the courage to try and replicate it.... we eventually gave it a go and it was pretty close....

Ingredients: Bomba paelle rice, chorizo, bacon, chicken prawns, smoked salmon, onion, garlic, peas, peppers, chillie flakes, lemon, parsley, saffron, pimento picante & pimento dulce, white wine, chicken stock. tinta de calamar.

Bake sliced red peppers in a little olive oil and sea salt

Fry chorizo and bacon in a hot pan until they start to get crisp.

Lupe Pinto's is the source for all our chorizo etc. its marvellous!

Add finely chopped onion

Stir frequently until onion starts to brown

Add garlic

Lovely inky squid ink

Keep the dish pretty hot, constantly stirring.

Add the rice

Stir, until it is coated with the chorizo juice

Keep cooking the rice until it is a little translucent.

Add a good splash of fairly sweet white wine

Keep stirring add the dried chili flakes and the pimento

Add a couple of large teaspoons of the ink and mix until the rice is coated

Add the chicken stock and bring to a vigorous simmer - I know it looks like a primeval swamp.....

Leave simmering, stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes

Add some tomato puree

By this point the rice should be plumper but still pretty al dente

Add the smoked slamon, the more smoky flavours the better

Add peas and roasted peppers. let the rice sit on the heat and develope a crust or socarrat. This is apparently the most prized part of the paella. It can be tricky whist you are cooking to differentiate between a good crust and a paella thoroughly welded to the bottom of your pan!

In a separate pan cook the chicken, which should be cut in strips and rolled in a touch of flour.

Cook the chicken until it is brown and crispy on the outside

Very quickly cook the prawns in the same pan

Add to the rice

Sprinkle with saffron

Finally add wedges of lemon, flat leaf parsley and decorate with some nasturtium flowers,

eat - its yummy honestly!

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